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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


*Because of the limited availability of this event, retreat tickets are not refundable once purchased. However, we understand life happens. If you can no longer attend, simply email us at before September 1st, and we'll contact someone on the waitlist (if available). If we or you are able to find someone interested in purchasing your ticket, you'll receive a refund of your paid ticket price minus a $50 transfer fee. By making this ticket purchase you agree to these terms and conditions. We reserve the right to modify the retreat itinerary as needed to provide the best experience to attendees. In the very unlikely event that the retreat must be cancelled by the hosts due to an emergency or some unforeseen extreme circumstance, attendees will receive a full refund (though we cannot be responsible for other travel costs or expenses incurred).

Connect Retreat$897

  • Total payment
  • 1xConnect Retreat$897

All prices in USD

Included in your Registration:

3 nights lodging in a quiet, spacious country cottage

All meals and snacks from Thursday evening to Sunday morning, both yummy and nutritious

Wellness activities, such as yoga in the canyon

Parenting workshops from Thursday to Saturday with Dr. Mary Wilde and Marielle Melling

A workbook to record your thoughts, learning, and action steps 

And a couple surprises!
